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Welcome to KAMSC

The Kalamazoo Area Mathematics and Science Center (KAMSC) delivers a challenging, accelerated education in mathematics, science and technology/computer science to selected students, grades 9 through 12, in Kalamazoo County. Students can apply to the program in the eighth grade, and if accepted, spend a half-day at KAMSC in intensive mathematics, science, and computer courses.

All students, within the first three years of the core curriculum, participate in an intensive and guided research-based program, developing the skills necessary to conduct scientific research. Some students become involved with long-term research projects with scientists in the community, as members of the KAMSC Research Team.  

In addition, KAMSC provides outreach services to students and teachers in Kalamazoo and St. Joseph counties. Those services involve professional learning for teachers and a variety of learning experiences for students.

Visit the KAMSC website at